Convention 2017: Workbook released, presidential nominees announced

NOTE: An earlier version of the Workbook inadvertently left off two names from the Commission on Adjudication membership list as well as a chart from the LCCFM report. The story now links to a corrected version of the Workbook. Please note that the corrections change the pagination of the original workbook.

CANADA – Lutheran Church–Canada has released the workbook for its upcoming synodical convention to be held October 13-16, 2017 in Kitchener, Ontario. Included in the workbook is information on nominations as well as other important convention information, including overtures as well as reports from synodical departments, auxiliaries, listed service organizations, and other entities.

The workbook is available for download here.

Of particular interest this convention are the nominations for president, as President Robert Bugbee announced earlier this year he would not be standing for reelection. In total, 18 different pastors received at least two nominations for the position of president. Of these, two have accepted the nomination. The slate of presidential nominations includes Rev. Timothy Teuscher (11 nominations) and Rev. Dr. Glenn Schaeffer (4 nominations). Rev. Teuscher currently serves as pastor of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church (Stratford, Ontario) and as First Vice President of the East District of Lutheran Church–Canada. Dr. Schaeffer currently serves as President of the Alberta-British Columbia District of Lutheran Church–Canada.

The slate of candidates for Vice-Presidents include:

  • ABC District: Rev. David Bode, Rev. Tom Kruesel, Rev. Roland Kubke, Rev. Lee Loveridge
  • Central District: Rev. Ted Giese, Rev. Alex Klages, Rev. Dr. Harald Schoubye
  • East District: Rev. Marvin Bublitz, Rev. Timothy Teuscher, Rev. Kurt Reinhardt

Further information on candidates is available in the workbook, as is the names of those candidates who declined nomination. Also included in the workbook are the nominees for open positions on the Board of Directors, Commission on Adjudication, Commission on Theology and Church Relations, and the Boards of Regents for both Concordia Lutheran Seminary (Edmonton) and Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary (St. Catharines, Ontario).

Further information on the convention, including appointments and registration information, is available here.


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